AMKA Safety Projects

Safe Routes to School Demonstration Project

The City of Lake City received a Safe Routes To School grant from MnDOT to work in partnership with Lincoln High School on the development of a demonstration project. Working with Alta and SEH, we created a plan to implement a demonstration raised crosswalk and curb extensions in two different locations in the vicinity of the High School. Then, we partnered with the local community, school representatives, and students to install, maintain, and evaluate the demonstration project, enabling Lake City to make permanent improvements that will increase active mobility options for students, families, and community members.



Lake City, MN


Alta Planning + Design, Inc.

SEH, Inc

Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)

Safe Routes to School Demonstration Project

The city of Warren, MN received a Safe Routes To School grant from MnDOT to work, in partnership with the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo School district, on a demonstration project. Working with Alta and SEH, created a plan to implement the demonstration project to improve student safety and encourage walking to school. Then, we partnered with the local community, school representatives, and students to install, maintain, and evaluate the demonstration project, enabling Warren to make permanent improvements that will increase active mobility options for students, families, and community members. 



Warren, MN


Alta Planning + Design, Inc.

SEH, Inc

Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)

Bike Lane Installation

The City of Edina, MN and AMKA Safety worked to evaluate new thermoplastic pavement marking improvements that will increase the life of the product and reduce product cost. We partnered with the local community to create, deliver and install custom thermoplastic pavement markings that could stand the test of time and clearly delineate the bike lanes. 



Edina, MN


City of Edina

Pavement Marking Testing

The city of Brooklyn Center was testing different thermoplastic products as the stripes in a crosswalk to see which held up better over time due to high bus turn lane traffic. Working with the City of Brooklyn Center, we created a plan to implement a crosswalk demonstration project testing several products. We designed, delivered and installed custom thermoplastic stripes and then monitored wear over time. 



Brooklyn Center, MN


City of Brooklyn Center